b'M E ETO U R FAC U LT YLed by experienced, senior-level physician leaders. Mark Smith Donald Lefkowits Brock BordelonMD, MBA, FACS, CPHQ MD, FACEP MD, FACSChief Medical Director Executive Medical Director Medical DirectorDr. Smith brings 30 yearsDr. Lefkowits bringsDr. Bordelon brings more of clinical experience asalmost 40 years of clinicalthan 30 years of clinical a surgeon and has heldexperience in Emergencyexperience in general and multiple roles in seniorMedicine and has heldminimally invasive surgery. hospital administration.multiple roles in seniorHe has served in several His expertise is in systemhospital administration. hospital medical staff quality, performanceHe has served as Presidentroles, including Chief of improvement, peer review,of the Medical Staff,Surgery, and as a member management of deficientChair of the Credentialsof the Medical Executive practitioner performance,Committee and Peer ReviewCommittee. He is a past criteria-based privileging,Committee, and a membermember of the Colorado ED call and externalof the hospital Board ofMedical Board and served focused review making himTrustees. He currently servesas the chair of one of the uniquely qualified to assistas the Immediate Pastboards inquiry panels.clients to develop solutionsPresident of the Colorado to their complex problems. Medical Board.'